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Chapter One - The Brit

Ok, so today wasn't one of my best days. It started with me waking up this morning very exhausted, yelling at the kids 30 minutes later to get ready for school. Got into the car straight into the traffic jam from hell, which Waze, in its best intentions, tried to get me out of only to lead me to the same intersection three times. So I went over a traffic island and bumped my car. I just gave up and drove home.  So, I worked from home today and ditched the dubbing studio session I was supposed to get to. At the end of the session, which I ditched, I'm getting a call from one of the actors I work with who also attended the session as a director this time. He asked me kind of angrily who wrote the script they were reading today. He said the script is, to put mildly, a Google Translate quality written by someone who never bothered watching the video. It was me. I wrote that script. Abiding with all the insults I could possibly take, I apologized, admitted my wrongful doing, and of

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